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April 29, 2024

erable° acquires the fintech WE DO GOOD to expand its impact investment offering

Paris, April 29 - erable°, the start-up specializing in financing assets in support of the ecological transition, today announced the acquisition of WE DO GOOD, the B Corp that pioneered participatory financing based on revenue sharing. This acquisition is designed to broaden the range of financing solutions available to positive-impact businesses.
erable° acquires the fintech WE DO GOOD to expand its impact investment offering

Today, more than ever, the question of the impact of our financial choices on the environment occupies a central place in our collective concerns. With 76% of French people sensitive to the environmental impact of their investments* and an additional annual requirement of 66 billion euros by 2030 to achieve the transition in France (Pisani-Mahfouz report), the gap between the desire to invest sustainably and the financing solutions available remains considerable.

erable° takes a crucial step forward in its development

This acquisition marks a significant step forward for erable° as it continues its development in favor of a more sustainable economy. By joining forces, erable° and WE DO GOOD are consolidating their respective expertise to offer a diversified range of impact investment solutions. Tailored to each project's stage of development, these solutions can be used to finance seed capital, the growth of established companies, as well as assets and stock.

WE DO GOOD, founded in 2013 in Nantes, has revolutionized the participatory financing landscape in France as a pioneer of Revenue Based Financing (RBF), a model that enables businesses to obtain financing in return for a percentage of their future revenues. With RBF, entrepreneurs can mobilize investors quickly and transparently, without diluting their capital. This offers a flexible alternative to traditional financing, which is often more influenced by the global macro-economic context rather than by the reality of the revenues generated by the company being financed. WE DO GOOD has raised over 12 million euros from more than 10,000 investors to the benefit of 256 companies.

Recent success stories include Sunshine Chocolats, a small business that manufactures solar-powered coffee roasters. Thanks to financing via WE DO GOOD, combined with public funding and a number of business angels, the company was able to raise a total of 1 million euros to assemble its first model, and now boasts monthly sales of 70,000 euros, with steady growth of 10%. Another success story is that of MOBiDYS, a Nantes-based company developing digital books for dyslexic readers. In 4 years, it has repaid its WE DO GOOD investors with a 200% return. A great return for the people who have made it possible to develop the activity. 

“Passing on WE DO GOOD to erable° means passing on 10 years of activism for equitable finance to a team aligned with the vision we have built. We are handing over with the assurance of seamless continuity of service to the platform's customers and investors, but above all with confidence in the commitment of the teams from both companies to further develop our respective accomplishments to place finance at the service of the common good,” says Jean-David Bar, CEO of WE DO GOOD.

A shared DNA for impact financing

Since its launch, erable° has been enabling investors who want to make a positive impact to directly finance the tangible assets of companies: electric vehicles with Revolte, water recycling machines with H20 Care, washing machines for rent with HomeCycle, ... This approach encourages active, transparent participation in meaningful projects through the financing of assets that directly create a positive impact. Its blockchain-based revenue-sharing model aligns investors' interests with the positive societal impact generated by the companies financed. The erable° community currently numbers over 6,000 members. With this acquisition, erable° is committed to pursuing its mission of catalyzing positive change and redefining the notion of profit by combining environmental and social performance with financial performance.

The new management team consists of Yannis BAALA, CEO, Anaïs BOUCHET, CPO and Vincent KATCHAVENDA, COO. The erable°+ WE DO GOOD group, which now has a dozen employees, aims to reach a pace of 5 financings per month by the second half of 2024.

“We are delighted to make this strategic acquisition of WE DO GOOD, a pioneer in participatory financing and revenue sharing. This alliance reinforces our commitment to democratizing access to investment in projects with high environmental and social potential. We firmly believe that finance can be a powerful engine of transformation towards desirable economic models for the planet and the people who inhabit it. Together, we want to become a true accelerator of companies' positive impact", says Yannis Baala, CEO of erable°.

About erable°

erable° aims to make finance a powerful engine for the real economy and for environmental and social transition. Through its platform, it offers new investment products based on three main axes: revenue sharing, financing of tangible assets, transparency of financial and extra-financial flows anchored on blockchain. In addition to redirecting flows towards the financing of impact projects, erable° mobilizes a community committed to transforming our financial system. 


WE DO GOOD is a B Corp-certified French fintech committed to a new economy. An economy that favors the local while being connected to globalization, favors use over ownership, and becomes more participatory.  Since 2013, WE DO GOOD has been developing a new financial model in France which is accessible, fair and tangible, enabling everyone to take action: revenue sharing. 

Press contacts

Bluenne Chaye - bluenne@bluevents.me / +33663195087

*source : AMF, 2021 - 


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